

I was young when it happened. The day our tribe was permanently relocated from the Norse lands. The day that everything changed. Imagine going to sleep inside your home, then stepping outside the next morning to find yourself in a completely different world. Everyone in my village experienced this in one way or another.

We had no idea where we were or how it happened. It was as if our whole village was scooped up from the ground and dropped onto the ocean of a completely new world. What was once a part of a larger piece of land had become an island overnight.

Some thought it was an act of higher power; a punishment of some sort, others thought we had been captured and moved elsewhere... and others weren't quite sure what to think. But thinking wasn't our first priority; we had to learn to survive in this new world and fast. That meant adapting to it’s strange new creatures, discovering what plant life was edible, getting water and shelter, and most of all, the answering the question of if we could live in harmony with each other while scrambling to find our footing.

It was a hardening time that taught you much and gave you little. But after a while, a lot of rash decisions with equally rash consequences, countless risks and finding out the hard way, I feel we are finally gaining ground.

Settled in the middle of an endless ocean, the small viking island of Vindraggi is beginning to thrive once more. We still have a lot to learn, a lot to explore, and a lot to discover, but we are beginning to find a rhythm. Beginning to get used to life in the new world.

Some of us still feel isolated, secluded from the rest of this strange new world. We are told to hide amongst these shores because it's safe, and we don't know what's out there. But is that the viking way?

Beyond us are unbegotten tides. We were not meant to stand still and wait. We were born to explore and to conquer. We are vikings.

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